Using admin_client.jar to deploy an application to oc4j

Posted by Steve Racanovic | Posted in , | Posted on 1:29 PM


An example of deploying an application to a single OC4J instance through the command line.

You can deploy an application using the admin_client.jar from the command line. Either locally or remotely. If you want to deploy from remotely, you will first need to download the Administration Client. Ensure you download the same client version as your OAS version. &

In this example I will only deploy locally. Further details can be found here:

1. Check the instance I want to deploy to is up and running.

[sracanov@sracanov-au D]$ opmnctl status

Processes in Instance:
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:OC4J_Apps2 | 4296 | Alive
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:home | 2308 | Alive
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 2732 | Alive
ASG | ASG | N/A | Down

2. Find the opmn port.

[sracanov@sracanov-au D]$ opmnctl status -port

3. Go to the $OH/j2ee/home folder where admin_client.jar sits.

[sracanov@sracanov-au D]$ cd %ORACLE_HOME%\j2ee\home

[sracanov@sracanov-au D]$ pwd

[sracanov@sracanov-au D]$ dir | grep admin_
11/01/2007 06:53 PM 733 admin_client.jar

4. Deploy the application to oc4j instance. In my example OC4J_Apps2. The command line should looks something like:

java -jar admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:opmn://:/ -deploy -file C:\drvtest.ear -deploymentName drvtest -bindAllWebApps

[sracanov@sracanov-au D]$ echo %JAVA_HOME%

[sracanov@sracanov-au D]$ java -version
java version "1.5.0_06"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_06-b05, mixed mode)

[sracanov@sracanov-au D]$ java -jar admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:opmn://localhost:6007/OC4J_Apps2
oc4jadmin welcome1 -deploy -file C:\drvtest.ear -deploymentName drvtest -bindAllWebApps
09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Application Deployer for drvtest STARTS.

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Copy the archive to D:\Oracle\product\

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Initialize D:\Oracle\product\\OracleAS_1
\j2ee\OC4J_Apps2\applications\drvtest.ear begins...

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Unpacking drvtest.ear

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Done unpacking drvtest.ear

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Unpacking drvtest.war

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Done unpacking drvtest.war

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Initialize D:\Oracle\product\\OracleAS_1
\j2ee\OC4J_Apps2\applications\drvtest.ear ends...

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Starting application : drvtest

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Initializing ClassLoader(s)

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Initializing EJB container

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Loading connector(s)

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Starting up resource adapters

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Initializing EJB sessions

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Committing ClassLoader(s)

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Initialize drvtest begins...

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Initialize drvtest ends...

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Started application : drvtest

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Binding web application(s) to site default-web-site begins...

09/05/13 13:23:14 Notification ==>Binding drvtest web-module for application drvtest
to site default-web-site under context root drvtest

09/05/13 13:23:17 Notification ==>Initializing Servlet:
org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet for web application drvtest

09/05/13 13:23:17 Notification ==>Binding web application(s) to site
default-web-site ends...

09/05/13 13:23:17 Notification ==>Application Deployer for drvtest COMPLETES.
Operation time: 3328 msecs

5. Check the application is deployed and running:

[sracanov@sracanov-au D]$ opmnctl status -app

Applications in Instance:

application type: OC4J
pid | name | state | rtid | classification | routable | parent
4296 | drvtest | started | g_rt_id | external | true | default

4296 | system | started | g_rt_id | external | true |
4296 | default | started | g_rt_id | external | true | system
4296 | jamagent | started | g_rt_id | external | true | default
4296 | ascontrol | stopped | g_rt_id | external | false |
4296 | datatags | started | g_rt_id | internal | true | default
4296 | javasso | stopped | g_rt_id | internal | true |
2308 | system | started | g_rt_id | external | true |
2308 | default | started | g_rt_id | external | true | system
2308 | ascontrol | started | g_rt_id | external | true | system
2308 | datatags | started | g_rt_id | internal | true | default
2308 | javasso | stopped | g_rt_id | internal | true |